Achham Region, Nepal
Population: 3 Million
SunFarmer Investment: $5,356.67 USD
Quarterly Repayment: $167.39 USD
Repayment Terms: 8 Years
"We have a suction machine but it never runs because the voltage from the grid is very poor. It has been sitting idly since purchase, so we are happy solar is here."
-Shrikot Clinic Director
Shrikot Health Clinic had only a few hours of low quality grid energy per day, barely enough to run a ceiling fan. It is a 30 minute drive or 2 hour walk to the regional Bayalpata hospital.
We held a meeting attended by 26 community members and formed a 5-person "Solar Task Force Committee" to maintain the solar system.
1.6 kW of solar energy at Shrikot Health Clinic supported by: