Looking Back: SunFarmer's 2015 Annual Report
We're proud to present our 2015 Annual Report.
Thanks to your continued support, we were able to lay the groundwork for new projects amidst a chaotic year.
Photo credit: © Kristin Lau www.kristinlau.com
In April, two devastating earthquakes struck Nepal, our primary country of operation. We immediately shifted our focus to doing what we could to help. Crisis struck Nepal again in August − political conflicts on the border of Nepal and India led to a complete economic blockade. As a result, we were only able to complete one solar energy installation in the fourth quarter of 2015.
However, the installation was our first project with our solar-powered irrigation model, whereby farmers pay for solar-powered irrigation in affordable monthly installments. The installation was the result of months of research and design, and we believe it will be the blueprint for many future projects.
SunFarmer continues to push innovation through our work – we completed designs for one of the largest solar energy projects in Nepal, a 100 kW at Bayalpata Hospital. We built prototypes of our remote monitoring technology and are currently testing it. In addition, we continue to find unique ways to make solar affordable for our customers through financing solutions.
Photo credit: © Kristin Lau www.kristinlau.com
We believe 2016 will be a very exciting year for SunFarmer – we are grateful for your support and look forward to sharing our accomplishments with you this year!