Powering Agriculture with Solar
SunFarmer recently completed a 750 W solar water pumping system for 3 female farmers in Chitwan, Nepal. With irrigation for their vegetable crops and fish farms, the families expect to increase their income 100% in 3 years.
The problem: No power for irrigation
Most farmers do not have electricity. As a result, they are unable to power water pumps to irrigate corps, particularly high value vegetables, for the 8 to 9 months of the year when there is no rain.
Diesel fuel powers irrigation, but it is dirty and expensive
Some farmers use diesel generators to power water pumps. But diesel fuel is expensive and fuel deliveries are unreliable in rural areas. Solar is cheaper in the long run, but the upfront cost is often too high.
Solar water pumps are clean and cost effective.
SunFarmer's irrigation model allows farmers to pay for solar energy in affordable monthly installments. Solar doesn't require outside fuel sources and farmer can up to double their income.
Photo credit: © Kristin Lau www.kristinlau.com