Indiegogo stats - Germany, New Zealand, Brazil... they're visiting from everywhere
It is hard to believe that there are only 15 days left in our campaign! With us now on the homestretch, we thought it might be interesting to take a look at some of our campaign stats:
- Our campaign has been viewed 5,509 times from 61 countries
- People from 10 countries have donated
- Number of visits from people sharing our campaign on Facebook and Twitter - 1,003
- Average contribution - $131.56
- Smallest donation - $1.00 (hey, every bit helps!)
- Most generous country – New Zealand - $250 average donation (go Kiwis!)
- Our campaign videos have been watched 1136 times and for a total of 23.06 hours
- Most popular perks: Postcard (we like getting mail too!); Social media shout out; d.light solar lantern
- Top donation days so far: Jan 25th – $4,095; Dec 30th - $2,960; Dec 20th - $1,935
The stat that really caught our attention is that 61 different countries checked out our campaign and 10 countries donated. Pretty cool.
Map of World - Visited copy
Here is a look at the contributions by country (not including US and Canada):
Country Stats
15 days left and $6,633 to go. It might be tight, but I think we are going to be successful in powering reliable healthcare in Nepal.