Reflections From Nepal: The Second Quake
April 25: The Earthquake
AdminApril 25 Earthquake, nepal, Nepal, Kathmandu, earthquake, nepalquake, rebuild, rebuild nepal, nepal reconstruction, earthquake relief
Hard to Track: Why Off-Grid Systems Need A New Solar Monitor
nepal, Nepal, solar, solar projects, solar panels, solar monitoring, energy x, sunfarmer, off-grid solar, solar site design, pv solar
2014 Year in Review
Adminsolar, nepal, Nepal, kathmandu, solar projects, energy, energy poverty, energy access, rent to own, thank you, MaRS centre for impact investing, indiegogo
Nepal's Festival of Lights
Lighting up the Kopila Valley Children's Home
UpdatesAndynepal, solar, blinknow, kopila, kopila valley, kopila valley children's home, surkhet, Nepal, maggie doyne, energy poverty, energy access, off-grid solar
Namaste from Sunfarmer's Kathmandu Office
Lighting up Every Hospital in the World, Starting with Nepal
UpdatesKyla Westphalsolar, energy poverty, energy access, energy, sunedison, off-grid solar, off-grid, lungra, achham, kathmandu, nepal, Nepal, long-term financing, alternative energy promotion centre, gham power, possible health, nyaya health
Notes from the field - A Taste of Nepal + Grand Challenges
Interviews from the road - Kathmandu, Nepal